Try try again

Our friend just gave us a Kombucha kit and we are brewing our own now. I’ll be drinking it alone though, because it’s insemination time again! We are in full summer mode – out and about regularly, which is a good distraction. We won’t actually know if we are pregnant until we are in Portugal. I guess we should pack some pregnancy tests. 

For now, we are keeping busy. 

Drinking the last pints.    Cirque du Soleil – Luzia 

 Long weekends at the theatre.   
 Sweeney Todd and Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search For God. All at Shaw Festival.   
Visits to Niagara on the lake.     
Patio parties. 

 Hanging out in the sunshine.   
Pool parties


When a trailer makes you cry…
because we can all watch 2 and a half minutes of moving, well-crafted storytelling and our hearts break; because we know intolerance is wrong; because I still feel it from the people who should love and support us; because some people don’t even acknowledge my existence, even though I married their daughter, because I have the wrong body parts. And when I can’t even post this without heavily editing it… because it is true… and because it will break my wife’s heart.
Films like this show us how far we have come and how far we still have to go.
Trailer – Loving – Read more here and watch the trailer; “Jeff Nichols’ emotional new film Loving is a powerful reminder, shining a light on Mildred and Richard Loving, the Virginia couple who fought (for nine years!) all the way to the Supreme Court to invalidate laws prohibiting interracial marriage in the 1960s.” – Arianna Davis.

In your face

sometimes one of the harder parts of being the cast-off, unacknowledged gay daughter in law is the …

Not being able to say anything to the people who are hurting you. 

Or seeing the social media updates from happy families, where my inlaws play house with my wife’s siblings, smiling beneath the CN Tower, holding a granddaughter that at least one of them would disown if she turns out to be gay…

Like us. 

Seeing the reminders of what regular life looks like to others.

And what everyday moments they get to experience,… 

While we tightly smile

Grinning and bearing it. 

Pretending it doesn’t break our hearts to see the parts of life that we get shut out of. 

So smile pretty and be tourists, but don’t forget that as tourists …one of the most lovely things about Canada is that it is an accepting place. Open your eyes. 

After not seeing my father in law since before our wedding, two years ago, that he didn’t acknowledge or attend… I got out of the car to say hi to everyone, and while my niece rushed to say hello to her auntie 

He walked by as if I wasn’t even there.

making vacay out of a trip to the Italian grocery store 

“Does my hair look dumb? (Pause)… I know the double buns are a bit whimsical; I am aware of this.”

  “Yeah, the whole thing is whimsical.”

  She chimes in (in my voice):

-‘I don’t know where you guys think this is, but I’m not in a Food Basics parking lot; I’m going to the beach. I’m on an island’ 

And then we giggle about the 2 Dope Chicks podcast -“Slay! Yes, bitch!”